We welcome proposals for workshops for the 15th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (PoEM), taking place in London, UK, on November 23 – 25.
Important Dates
- Workshop proposal submission deadline: June 30th, 2022
- Workshop notification of acceptance: July 7, 2022
- Camera ready of all papers and summary of the workshop: October 21, 2022
- Workshop: 23 November, 2022
Instructions for Workshop Proposals
We encourage workshop proposals that target innovative applications of enterprise modelling within the specific focus on the PoEM’22 conference theme Enterprise Modeling and Model-based Development and Engineering. We encourage workshops, but do not limit to, that address topics such as:
- Digital Transformation
- Blockchain Technology
- Industry 4.0
- Internet of Things
- Digital Twin Technology and its application
- Enterprise Modeling and AI
Workshop proposals are limited to 5 pages. They must include:
- The title
- An abstract of 150 words
- A statement on the purpose and the format (paper-based or discussion-based) of the workshop. List the workshop topics and explain how the focus of the workshop complements the main conference
- Organizing workshop chairs including short bios
- The number of expected papers and attendees
- Length of workshop: half-day or full-day workshop
- A preliminary timeline for the workshop. Also mention if you plan to have a keynote (please note that the conference organization will not cover fees, travel expenses, accommodation nor registration cost). Please mention if you require any special requirement regarding infrastructure and room layout.
- A list of tentative PC members
- Information on previous editions of the workshop if available
- Information on advertisement plans for your workshop
Workshop proposals should be submitted via email to Dominik Bork <dominik.bork@tuwien.ac.at> and Souvik Barat <souvik.barat@tcs.com>.
Prior contact with us is encouraged. In case of acceptance, organizing workshop chairs are responsible for the paper reviewing process including the distribution of a call for papers, assignment of reviewers, acceptance/rejection decisions, and collecting as well as proof-reading the camera-ready versions.
Accepted workshop papers will be published in joint CEUR-WS proceedings. Thus, an acceptance rate of approximately 50% is invoked for all PoEM 2022 workshops. Moreover, all workshops must employ the CEUR-WS formatting guidelines with paper lengths between 8 and 12 pages (including references and appendices).
Please feel free to connect with Dominik Bork and Souvik Barat in case of any query or workshop proposal submission ideas.